Experta en crecimiento personal y breathwork con más de 24 años de experiencia apoyando a las personas a reconectar con su esencia divina y descubrir su verdadero potencial. Mi misión es acompañarte en un viaje de sanación profunda, para alinear tu mente, cuerpo y emociones y permitirte experimentar una transformación auténtica.
Estoy convencida de que al reconectarte con tu esencia, abres un canal de sanación que libera las energías bloqueadas y te guía hacia una vida de abundancia, equilibrio y plenitud. Este despertar interior no solo te sana, sino que te invita a renacer y vivir en sintonía con tu verdad más profunda.
El logro de la libertad interna y el reencuentro con tu verdadero yo o tu esencia divina son experiencias que venimos a vivir naturalmente en el transcurso de nuestra vida. Sin embargo, por diversas circunstancias, a veces no logramos fluir con esta verdad existencial. Cuando enfrentamos traumas, limitaciones emocionales, mentales o físicas, comenzamos a enfocarnos en resolver estos problemas y, en el proceso, creamos una personalidad que busca sobrevivir desconectada de su verdadera fuente y derecho divino, de donde surge nuestra auténtica naturaleza humana.
Evitamos el dolor de esta desconexión con nuestro centro de poder creando defensas y distracciones. A menudo, nos perdemos en actividades motivadas por la necesidad o la competencia, ambas nacidas de la inconsciencia. Esta desconexión es lo que nos hace sentir incompletos e insuficientes. Vivimos desde creencias limitantes, acumulando otras en el camino, lo que nos lleva a aliviar solo los síntomas y no a sanar la gran causa: la separación de nuestro origen y poder divino
El trabajo que hago se basa en la premisa del amor incondicional y en mi intuición, integrando herramientas como la respiración consciente y conectada, la Astrología transpersonal, el Reiki y la Programación Neurolingüística. En mis sesiones, estas técnicas se integran para producir un efecto sanador, ayudándote a reconectarte contigo mismo desde la aceptación, quitando velos, atravesando bloqueos, trascendiendo limitaciones y redescubriendo tus dones olvidados. A través de este proceso, accedes a tu verdadera liberación y plenitud, alineado con quien realmente eres.
Te comparto momentos especiales y cómo es mi día a día a través de imágenes.
¿Te animas a probar una sesión de Rebirthing Breathwork y vivir una experiencia de renovación total?
El Rebirthing Breathwork es una técnica de respiración consciente y conectada, donde cada inhalación y exhalación se entrelazan sin pausa, creando un flujo constante y fluido de energía en el cuerpo. Al respirar de esta manera, acostado y en un estado de profunda relajación, comienzas a liberar bloqueos que han estado limitando tu vida.
Esta respiración te permite reconectarte contigo mismo, dejando ir tensiones acumuladas y memorias negativas. Con cada respiración, te acercas más a tu verdadera esencia, lo que te permite descubrir quién eres realmente y acceder a tu máximo potencial. Al transformar tu respiración, también transformas tu vida.
El Rebirthing Breathwork utiliza la respiración circular consciente, sin pausas entre inhalaciones y exhalaciones, creando un ciclo energético que ayuda a liberar emociones atrapadas en la memoria celular del cuerpo. Con la guía de un facilitador profesional, este proceso te lleva a un estado de conciencia profunda, donde reconoces y liberas los bloqueos que han impactado tu vida. Esta liberación te reconecta con tu auténtica esencia, permitiéndote descubrir todos tus dones y virtudes.
– Liberación de bloqueos emocionales y traumas
– Reducción de estrés y ansiedad
– Conexión profunda con tu esencia y emociones
– Mayor autoconocimiento y claridad personal
– Un renovado sentido de bienestar y equilibrio
Betty is a master trainer she is so intuitive and patient she takes her time to really understand you. I have been going to Betty for many years. She healed me from within. If there were 10 stars I would give her 10 stars she is amazing.
Betty has been a God send for me, she has awakened me to myself. Every time I am around her I grow a little more and feel a little more connected to that spiritual side of me. She has brought healing to my life, to my daughter’s life, and is the reason my wife is still with me. Betty is a person who is love, is in tune with who you are and makes a difference with people. I hope to learn a bit more from her and with her blessing be of service to others like she has done for me. If you are looking to have peace, let go of fears, or just get connected I am sure Betty can help guide your essence to those lessons it needs now. Much love and peace. Namaste
I’ve gone to Betty multiple times now, mostly in private and once in a group session and each time has been incredible. When you do the breathing in rebirthing, strong emotions come up and it can be hard to face them and know how to deal with them. But Betty guides you through the process, asks the right questions and helps you heal. After the sessions you begin to see your life change, doors open and you become more open and light. It’s hard to explain, but it’s an amazing, healing experience. Betty is very knowledgeable, loving and patient, I would recommend her to anyone!
I have been seeing Bety for 2 years now and I can honestly say it has been the most rewarding experience of my life. She personalizes each session and focuses on the need of each person. From understanding, to discovering, healing, and looking forward into your future as the individual you were designed to be. I LOVE IT!!! highly recommended!
From the very first session with Betty I knew something special had happened to me and a weight was lifted from my shoulders that I had been carrying for too long and I had not found the way to even begin to deal with. And every time I go I still feel the same way and achieve a deeper understanding of who I was, am, and can be. I tell her all the time but she is truly an angel with a gift as well as a lot of knowledge and experience (professional and personal). She was exactly the person I needed in my life to start reconnecting with my essence and feeling stronger and more at peace again. I am so fortunate and grateful that Betty was put in my path, and I recommend her to everyone I know who is struggling.
I can’t say enough of Betty . She is like an angel
To me . I really don’t know what my life would be like if I had not met her . She has helped me discover myself and to love myself, Betty you are a real angel . And I am the person that I am today because of your help . I really recommend anybody that’s needs peace to look for Betty.
Betsy is a gifted healer. My all time favorite treatment is her energy work with the tuning forks. It leaves you relaxed and feeling peaceful and grounded. She is incredibly intuitive.
I consider myself a very spiritual being and I’ve been to other spiritual practitioners before. From my experience, I can truly say that there is no one that has helped me as much as Betty. She is a true gift, an angel, someone that I will be forever grateful for and am so happy our paths have crossed. I definitely recommend her for anyone going through things in life and are in need of some guidance, even if you are not aware of what is weighing you down. She really has a special gift and am eternally grateful for her.
The most amazing experience I had in my life. I can’t believe how much our child past memories affect our present. I love working in my self with Betty and see and understand a lot about who am I ? And where I want to go ? I don’t have word to describe to you, how this session will change your life.
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